报告时间:3月10日 星期三 下午2:30
腾讯会议ID:991 712 910(密码:210310)
报告人及简介:李骥,2014年毕业于国家同步辐射实验室核科学与技术专业,获博士学位。2014年9月至今在亥姆霍兹柏林材料与能源中心(HZB)工作,依托BESSY II 和Metrology Light Source (MLS) 从事储存环物理研究,2017-2019 年担任Robinson Wiggler项目经理,现任HZB加速器物理研究所staff scientist, MLS 轮值运行主管。工作兴趣为插入元件和新型磁铁的束流动力学建模,优化算法在光源性能提升中的应用,非线性束流动力学,储存环调试等。
报告题目:Nonlinear beam dynamics studies at the MLS and BESSY II
报告摘要: Nonlinear effects play important roles in limiting the beam lifetime and injection efficiency, which are the key parameters of operational performance at the MLS and BESSY II. This talk first introduces the Robinson wiggler project at the MLS for improving Touschek lifetime and the corresponding nonlinear beam dynamics studies. However, real accelerators are always more complicated than simulation models, therefore direct online optimization has been proposed to overcome the nonlinear effects in the MLS and BESSY II storage rings for better lifetime and injection efficiency. The efforts in online optimization, especially the achievements based on the concept of phase acceptance will be presented. The last part of the talk focuses on the low alpha mode at the MLS and related nonlinear dynamics in longitudinal phase space.